
24 things i've learned by my 24th year.

My most recent photograph, after cutting nearly 8 inches of hair off.

As my 24th birthday is two weeks away, I decided to update a list of lessons I've learned that I originally published shortly before my 21st birthday. Some were hard, some came easy. But I value each and every one of them.

1. People are judging you. Right now, at this very moment. For some of them, no amount of ass-kissing or coercion is going to change that. There is just no pleasing some people. And if that’s the case, why waste your time trying to change that?
 2. Take risks. Step outside of your comfort zone. Do things you'd normally consider embarrassing. Life is short. You might be surprised at what you’re capable of. After all, nobody wants to look back and wish they’d taken advantage of an opportunity when they had the chance.
 3. The truth always prevails. No matter how many times you may have lied about something, the guilt you may feel or maintaining the consistency of a lie has more drawbacks than just coming out with it. In the end, it will always come back to bite you. So let the facts flow.
 4. Do whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting someone else in the process. It's better to spend time doing things that you're interested in than letting another person control you. If you've got an impulse, let it out.
5. Focus less on the destination and more on the journey. Go with the flow. Live in the moment. Don't attempt to control everything. Sloooooow down. It’s good to have goals, but set a realistic time frame.
6. Your instincts are smarter than you are. If you've got a bad feeling about someone or something, trust it. Take a minute to hone in on what your gut is telling you. Chances are, you're right.
7. Don't settle for mediocrity. Don't settle for empty friendships, a job you can't stand, or loveless relationships. You deserve better than that.
8. It's better to be forgiving than to hold resentment. Whether present in your everyday thoughts or not, holding a grudge only harbors negativity. It can also be physically and mentally draining. Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean things will go back to the way they were or forgetting what happened. It simply means letting go and moving on with your life.
9. Be open about how you feel. Getting that weight off your chest is the first step toward feeling good again. If you hold everything in, it’s bound to come out eventually. Don’t let it build up until you’re on the brink of a breakdown. It’s unhealthy. Communication is a powerful thing (if done correctly).
10. Don't sweat the small stuff. Really. Take whatever comes at you with a clear and focused mind. You might be stronger-willed than you think. No one wants to be a worry-wart.
11. Be your own best advocate. Although it can be good to gain an outside opinion, ultimately you are the only one who can make the best decision for you. Don't let someone else hold the reins to your life.
12. Don't live with regret. Obviously, it was what you wanted at the time. Learn from it and move on. You can’t change the past, but you have the ability to change your future.
13. Credentials on the wall don't make someone a decent human being. Enough said.
14. Maturity has a lot more to do with your life experiences, what you've learned, and how you've handled rough situations than your age.
15. Laughing, crying, joy, anger... every emotion is vital. Expressing them doesn't make you weak, it makes you human.
16. Stop caring about what you can't control. Your energy is better spent somewhere else.
17. Focus on the things you can change.  Focus on the things you can fix rather than investing all your time and energy in something that is simply out of your control.
 18. Identify and value the lesson. Life is one big learning experience. Everyone you ever encounter and every choice you make is all a part of it. If something doesn't work out, learn from it and don’t make the same mistake again. There is something better waiting ahead.
19. Eliminate the non-essential. Figure out what's important to you and slough off the rest. After all, it really is the little things that matter the most. Simplifying your life is a very liberating feeling.
20. Create a routine. Having this kind of structure in your day can truly change your life. Even if it means setting an alarm to wake up early on your day off.
21. Notice the beauty of small moments. Sometimes it's easy to forget to stop and take a look around once in awhile. Noticing simple pleasures like the smell of the air in winter, the sound of rain on a rooftop, or holding hands with someone you care about will improve your quality of life tenfold.
22. People change. And that’s okay. Sometimes it’s for the better, sometimes for the worse. Letting go of negative influences can be tough, especially when it’s someone you’ve had a close friendship with. But you’re better off in the long run, trust me.
23. Cherish time with your loved ones while they’re still here. Hug your parents and answer the phone when they call you. They won’t be around forever.
24. Discipline yourself. Self-discipline is one of the most important skills a person should possess, although few do anything to strengthen it. It means sticking to your guns and following through without changing your mind, which is very important when trying to achieve your goals. You will be rewarded with a newfound sense of self-esteem, and consequently, satisfaction.

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